
The Project

Voices of Children with Disability: Inclusive practice for research is based on a research collaboration, Voices of Pacific Children with Disabilities, conducted by Deakin University, Save the Children, PNG Assembly of Disabled Persons (PNG ADP) and Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association Vanuatu (DPA).

The research has been funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through the Australian Development Research Awards Scheme under an award titled Identifying the needs and priorities of children with disability (Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea)

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The Commonwealth of Australia accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury resulting from reliance on any of the information or views in this publication.

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Research partners

Deakin University

This work forms part of a program of research undertaken by Deakin University that aims to foster the full and effective inclusion of people with disability in society, in accordance with the CRPD, and to build capacity in the field of humanitarian and international development work. The Deakin University team on the ‘Voices’ project includes:

Professor Matthew Clarke, Head of School of Humanities and Social Sciences. For over the past two decades, Professor Clarke has worked in the development sector, working first within International non-governmental organisations and then within academia. Professor Clarke has expertise in community development, NGO practice, religion and development, and international development within the Asia ­Pacific region.

Associate Professor Erin Wilson, is a senior researcher in disability and inclusion. Assoc. Prof. Wilson has a lengthy history in disability research including a focus on outcomes definition and measurement, accessible and participatory research methods for people with disability, policy change related to assistive technology and human rights, and inclusive practice methods. She also has extensive experience in community development practice in particular with disadvantage groups such as people with disability and Australian Indigenous communities.

Dr Kevin Murfitt, Lecturer in Disability and Inclusion with significant research experience in the area of disability, human rights, advocacy and workforce diversity. Dr Murfitt continues to make a significant contribution to disability inclusive development through executive roles with the World Blind Union (Pacific-Oceania sub-region and Asia-Pacific region), Pacific Disability Forum, as well as a major contribution to Australian disability and inclusion work via executive roles with Vision Australia over many years.

Ms Elena Jenkin, Doctoral candidate in the School of Health and Social Development. Ms Jenkin is a specialist disability inclusive development with 20 years of experience working with children and adults with a disability, at the individual, community, government, organisational and policy level in Nepal, Samoa and Australia.

Dr Robert Campain, Research Fellow with significant experience in research in the field of disability and inclusion. Dr Campain has been a key member of multiple research teams with Deakin University and disability-sector partners over the past decade, in particular focusing on the design of inclusive and accessible methods of participation in research by people with disability, and their experience of social inclusion in a range of settings.

Save the Children Australia

Save the Children is one of Australia’s largest aid and development agencies dedicated to helping children. Save works to protect children from harm and help them access quality education and health services. With more than 90 years working with children, Save is at the forefront of saving children’s lives when disasters strike and creating lasting change for children and their families through its long-term development programs. Save has programs in 29 countries, including Australia.

As one of 30 member organisations that form part of the Save the Children Association, Save shares a global vision and strategy for creating better lives for children worldwide. The member organisations created Save the Children International in 2010 to improve the impact of its global programming. Save’s international programs – except for those in the Pacific – are implemented through Save the Children International.

Save the Children Vanuatu

Save the Children has worked in Vanuatu for more than 25 years and is the largest non-government organisation in the county. Save works with the government and communities to improve basic health and early childhood education services. Save also runs child protection, disaster risk reduction and climate change awareness programs to ensure children are safe from harm and can help their communities adapt to the changing environment.

Save the Children, Papua New Guinea

Save the Children’s programs in Papua New Guinea provide essential health and education services for children and their families. Save has been working with governments, local partners and communities in PNG for more than 35 years, providing basic health services, combating the growing HIV crisis and improving access to early childhood education.

The Vanuatu Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association (DPA)

The Disability Promotion & Advocacy Association (DPA) is a voluntary self-help organization established on 4 April 1999 to advocate for rights and promote abilities of people with disability throughout Vanuatu. The association’s aims include: advocating for the rights, and promoting the abilities, of persons with disability throughout Vanuatu; to raise awareness that people with disability have the same as rights as anyone else, to liaise, promote and support persons with disability, caregivers, family members, communities, non-governmental organizations and governmental agencies to recognize and promote these objectives; and to provide training and other skills for people with disability in order to promote their organizations to participate fully in all levels of society.

The Papua New Guinea Assembly of Disabled Persons (PNG ADP)

The PNG Assembly of Disabled Persons, the national disabled persons’ organization for Papua New Guinea, formed in 2002. Its primary focus is advocacy and promotion of the rights of disabled people with disabilities and their inclusion in all aspects of Papua New Guinea life. The Assembly’s constituted objectives are:

  1. To promote the welfare of people with disabilities by organizing, providing and promoting appropriate activities and services, which will enhance their rehabilitation wellbeing and status.
  2. To promote public awareness and support for over-coming the problems encountered by people with disabilities with the aim of obtaining equal rights and opportunities to those enjoyed by able-bodied people.
  3. To advocate for, and present the needs, concerns and aspirations of people with disabilities to agencies and authorities that can influence legislation.
  4. To encourage the establishment, empowerment and self-determination of branches of the Association in any part of PNG wherever such branches may assist people with disabilities.

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Logo for Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association Vanuatu (DPA)

Logo for PNG Assembly of Disabled Persons (PNGADP)Logo of the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and TradeLogo of Save the Children AustraliaLogo of Deakin University